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Web Survey Bibliography

Title The Effect of Attempting to Recruit Respondents to a Web-Based Diary on Overall Response Rate
Year 2013
Access date 31.05.2013

Arbitron Inc., a provider of radio ratings data, conducted a test using a probability based address sample to recruit the general population, aged 13 and older, to complete a one week diary of their radio listening. Traditionally Arbitron uses a hybrid frame, which includes address matched and unmatched RDD sample, cell phone households, and no phone households, to recruit households for our one week diary. For the telephone numbers that we have an address for: matched RDD, cell phone, and no phone households; we send a pre-alert letter before we call to attempt to recruit the household. Upon recruiting the household we sent a follow up letter, then the diaries, as well as follow-up phone calls for the households with phone numbers. In this test we attempted to recruit households from a phone matched address based sample using both our traditional recruitment practices (control group) as well as trying to recruit the household by sending them an invitation to complete the diary by going online (test group). For those households sent the online diary invitation, we followed up with nonresponding households and attempted to recruit them via our standard methodology. In this presentation, we will report the effects of first attempting to recruit the respondents to the Web based survey on the response rate (test vs. control group) as well as comparing the results from the phone matched address based sample to those recruited from the address matched RDD sample (control group vs. standard production).

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Conference Homepage (abstract)

Year of publication2013
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations